Sunday, January 8, 2012


Wow, hey everyone, I know I haven't posted in forever, I've just been so busy with music... I want so bad to start sharing more of my books with you, but I've been having less and less time to write...  I've thought about shutting my blog down, but I couldn't do that to you guys, unless you want me to...  Well, I'm just letting you know I'm here, and thinking about you, and trying to write...

Love and blessings,


  1. You shouldn't, but maybe you should try some regular-life posts for a while. You know, pictures and life-happenings. That takes less time than stories. I was quite glad to see your blog pop up on my dashboard!
    Abby =)

  2. Thanks, Abby #1! Tgats a great idea! (:

  3. Why don't you video yourself playing music then post the video here? :)

  4. I do that already on my Youtube, Kendra, but that is a good idea!

  5. No reason why you can't post YouTube videos. :)

    I don't think you should try to make it a writing blog, per se, or a music blog, per se, or anything like that. Just post whatever fits your mood, be it excerpts, videos, or nonsensical ramblings. That works for me, at least.


Thanks for posting! hope you have
a great time looking at my blog!
